Enabling professional legal practice

in Western Australia

I am

Advancing the administration of justice and protecting the community

Service Hub

Log in to the Service Hub (formerly the Online Portal) for practitioners, providers and others with personalised data and services: applying for, renewing and paying for practising certificates, checking practising certificate status, checking or uploading continuing professional development units, and more.

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Find A Practitioner

The Find a Practitioner database lists all lawyers admitted in Western Australia.

Practising Certificates

To engage in legal practice in Western Australia, a lawyer must hold a current Australian practising certificate. Practising certificates are renewed annually. The Legal Practice Board is responsible for issuing practising certificates to eligible applicants. 

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Continuing Professional Development

In each CPD year (1 April to 31 March), legal practitioners must complete a minimum of 10 hours of CPD activities across each of the four prescribed fields/categories, including 5 hours of interactive CPD activities.  The CPD system ensures lawyers are continually updating and improving their knowledge and skills,

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Legal Practice Board


The Legal Practice Board is an independent statutory authority within the Western Australian public sector. It enables Western Australian legal practitioners’ professional practice through issuing their annual practising certificates, and assists the Supreme Court in admission to practice. It advances the administration of justice and protection for the community by ensuring legal practitioner and practice compliance and resolving disputes and complaints. The Board also supports the legal profession and the community by providing educational and professional development services, and promoting clear and comprehensive information. In Western Australia the Board is the primary designated regulatory authority under the Legal Profession Uniform Law (WA). 

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Dec 06

AI guidance to safeguard consumers of legal services

Legal profession regulators from across the three Uniform Law states have jointly issued a statement to guide lawyers in their responsible and ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI).

Oct 31

Lawyer wellbeing, workplace culture and ethics research project

Explore the initial findings into lawyer wellbeing, workplace culture and ethics.

Sep 06

Changes to CPD Interactive units

A minimum of five interactive units now required for the CPD year.