Election of the Board

The Legal Practice Board consists of two ex-officio members (the WA Attorney General and the WA Solicitor General; a current or former judge of the Supreme Court appointed by the Attorney General (WA); each King’s Counsel, and each Senior Counsel whose home jurisdiction is this State, who is not a full-time judicial officer, and who has nominated themselves as a member; and 12 elected local legal practitioners.

The membership of the Board is in accordance with section 38 of the Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Act 2022.

The local legal practitioners must have at least three years’ standing and practice. They hold office for a term of two years from the date of becoming a member, and are eligible for re-election. Six are elected in alternate years. 

Any local legal practitioner is eligible to vote in an election for an elected Board member. 

Current Board and committee members

Annual election

Elections to elect Board members must be held on the first Tuesday in April each year, according to regulation 5(1) the Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Regulations 2022.

The Board requests nominations typically in February. Eligible legal practitioners may then submit their application using the form Notice of intention to stand – elected Board member. (Word doc 61kB)

The notice of intention to stand must be countersigned by a local legal practitioner and submitted to the Board no less than 28 days prior to the date of election.

2025 annual election of Board members

In accordance with Part 2, Division 2 of the Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Regulations 2022, notice is hereby given that the election of six members to the Legal Practice Board will be held on Tuesday, 1 April 2025 by online ballot only.
To submit your notice of intention to stand, you must be a local legal practitioner1 of at least three years’ standing and practice.
 Notice of intention to stand, countersigned by a local legal practitioner, must be submitted to the Board at least 28 days prior to the date of election. That is by 11.59pm Monday, 3 March 2025.
If you wish, you may provide a brief resume (maximum 75 words) with your notice of intention to stand. All resumes will be published on the Board’s website for viewing prior to the election and not circulated with the electronic ballot.
Nominations can be submitted to the Board, using the attached form (MS Word 61kB), addressing the nomination to ‘Attention: Returning Officer’, through the following methods:

Via email:
Via post:
 Legal Practice Board
 PO Box 5720
 St Georges Terrace
 Perth WA 6831
In Person:
 Legal Practice Board
 Level 6, 111 St Georges Terrace
 Perth WA 6000

1Local legal practitioner means an Australian legal practitioner whose home jurisdiction is this State, section 3(1) of the Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Act 2022.