Interstate legal practitioners wishing to engage in legal practice in Western Australia

An Australian lawyer may apply to the Board for the grant or renewal of a practising certificate in Western Australia. An Australian lawyer is a person who is admitted to the legal profession. If you have been admitted in an interstate jurisdiction there is no need to also be admitted in Western Australia to obtain a practising certificate in this jurisdiction.

If an Australian lawyer holds a current practising certificate in another Australian jurisdiction, the Board cannot issue that practitioner with a local practising certificate until the interstate practising certificate expires or is cancelled. If a practitioner intends to offer or provide legal services to the public in Western Australia whilst holding an interstate practising certificate, they must hold professional indemnity insurance for practising in Western Australia. Upon the expiry of the interstate practising certificate, application may be made to the Board for the grant of a practising certificate in Western Australia if the practitioner intends to engage in legal practice principally in Western Australia -- see section 44(4) of the Legal Profession Uniform Law (WA).

If an Australian lawyer not holding any practising certificate wishes to apply for a practising certificate in Western Australia (or wishes to apply once the person’s practising certificate expires) a completed LPB Form 1 - Application for a Local Practising Certificate needs to be lodged with the Board. It may be necessary for the following documents to be accompanied with the LPB Form 1:

  1. If not admitted in Western Australia and admitted in another Australian jurisdiction it will be necessary for the applicant to provide a certified copy of their certificate of admission (for further information see ‘Provision of proof of admission as a lawyer to accompany the application for the grant of a local practising certificate’).
  2. A statutory declaration stating:
    1. previous employment history if the applicant has engaged in legal practice
    2. that the applicant has not engaged in legal practice, and
  3. An Evidentiary Certificate' or 'Certificate of Good Standing' (no more than one calendar month old) from the appropriate regulatory authority or body issuing practising certificates in each jurisdiction in which the applicant has been admitted or held a practising certificate.

If you have any queries, please contact the Board’s Enquiries and Assessment team on (08) 6211 3600 or at