About us

The Legal Practice Board is an independent statutory authority within the Western Australian public sector.

It enables Western Australian legal practitioners’ professional practice through issuing their annual practising certificates, and assists the Supreme Court in admission to practice. It advances the administration of justice and protection for the community by ensuring legal practitioner and practice compliance and resolving disputes and complaints. 

The Board also supports the legal profession and the community by providing educational and professional development services, and promoting clear and comprehensive information. 

In Western Australia the Board is the primary designated regulatory authority under the Legal Profession Uniform Law (WA). Many of the Board’s functions are delegated to its committees and officers. 

The Board refers to both the governing body and the organisation that supports it.

For details on recent organisational performance, activities and services, as well as financial statements and other information required by law; see the Board's Annual Reports.

Our strategic direction

Our strategic direction graphic

Our code of conduct

Our code of conduct graphic