Law Library
Law Library services are provided by the Department of Justice and operate from level 2 of the David Malcolm Justice Centre at 28 Barrack Street, Perth.
See the Library Catalogue and more information about Law Library services at the Department of Justice Law Library web pages.
Law Library access
The Board contributes $600,000 per annum, on behalf of the profession, towards the costs of the integrated Law Library. The contribution ensures that eligible practitioners are able to access the resources and services of the Law Library.
To that end, a Law Library Proximity Card that will allow the holder direct access to level 2 and the Law Library is available.
Practitioners wishing to obtain a Law Library Proximity Card need to complete the attached request. Please note that the request must be submitted to the Board first via, by hand, or by post. The Board will provide the confirmation as set out in section 2 of the request and then forward the request to the Law Library directly. The Law Library will contact the practitioner on the outcome of the request and to collect the Card. Photographic ID will be required by the Law Library to collect the Card.
New look legal practice areas
(21 April 2021)
Library staff have created 27 Legal Practice Area Guides to replace the former 9 guides. The new look guides cover key legal topics from Administrative Law to Workers' Compensation.
The comprehensive guides provide links to relevant legislation, case law, commentary, textbooks, journals, alerting services and reference materials contained in subscribed resources, as well as linking to free web resources.
Practitioners are able to access the subscribed lock resources using computers in the Law Library.
If you have any feedback about the new look Legal Practice Areas, please direct this to
Law Library CPD sessions
Free CPD sessions for legal practitioners in the use of online publications are on offer concentrating on Lexis Advance and Westlaw AU.
Following the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing requirements, CPD sessions are now online.
Direct links to book for these sessions and ongoing information about CPD sessions are available on the Department of Justice Law Library website pages. Bookings for all CPD sessions are managed through the Eventbrite online event registration website.
Law Library services for regional practitioners
Practitioners in regional areas of Western Australia are welcome to use the services provided by the Law Library.
Articles and cases can be sent via email for $22 per document.
Library staff can also carry out searches of legal databases including Lexis Advance, Westlaw AU and CCH Intelliconnect on behalf of regional practitioners.
Charges for Photocopying, Printing, Document Delivery and Interlibrary Loans
Library fees are prescribed by the Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Regulations 2022 and are set out in Part 11, Regulation 69.
To make a payment, a pre-paid account must first be set up with The Law Library. This can be done by VISA or Mastercard and can be arranged over the phone or by email.
The Law Library contact details are:
The Law Library
Department of Justice
David Malcolm Justice Centre
Level 2, 28 Barrack Street
Perth WA 6000
Telephone: 08 9264 1498
Law Library Website
The Department of Justice Law Library web pages provide practitioners with information about library services as well as assistance in navigating legal information resources. A link to the Library Catalogue is available at the top of each page and can be used to search all resources, both in hardcopy and online.
Visiting the Library
Visitors are asked to report to Reception on Level 23. Opening Hours are 8.30am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday (Closed on Public Holidays). The Library is a shared resource for the judiciary, government legal officers and members of the legal profession. It is not open to the public.