Uniform Law council comes to Perth
Members of the Legal Services Council were in Perth this week as part of their regular meetings around participating jurisdictions.
They included Western Australian representatives WA Solicitor General Joshua Thomson SC, and lawyer Andrew Pascoe.
The Council held three meetings in the CBD offices of the Legal Practice Board. They held their own regular Council meeting; and they met with Board Executive Director Libby Fulham and Legal Services and Complaints Officer Russell Daily; and with the Board’s two Chairs, John Syminton (Chair of the Board) and Gary Cobby SC (Chair of the Legal Services and Complaints Committee).
The key topic of discussion was the first year of Uniform Law implementation in Western Australia. Other topics covered included the current review of costs disclosure thresholds, the admission of foreign lawyers, the accreditation of joint law degrees with foreign universities, and the impact of the UK Free Trade Agreement on the legal profession.
“It’s a privilege to host the Legal Services Council in Western Australia, as one of the participating jurisdictions of the Uniform Law”, Legal Practice Board Executive Director Libby Fulham said.
“It’s also an invaluable opportunity for us to promote issues of vital interest to Western Australian practitioners, especially following the first year under Uniform Law in this state”.
The Legal Services Council oversees the Legal Profession Uniform Law scheme, together with the Commissioner for Uniform Legal Services Regulation. The Uniform Law scheme is a regulatory framework for Australian legal practitioners in the participating jurisdictions of New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia.
The Legal Services Council is responsible for making Uniform Rules, issuing guidelines and directions, and ensuring the Uniform Law framework promotes professional standards and protects the interests of clients of law practices.
Rear: WA Legal Services and Complaints Officer Russell Daily, CEO and Commissioner Heather Moore, Andrew Pascoe (WA), WA Board Executive Director Libby Fulham, Elizabeth Harris (Vic), Murray Baird (Vic), WA Solicitor General Joshua Thomson.
Front: WA Board Chair John Syminton, Council Chair Alan Cameron, WA Convenor of the Legal Services and Complaints Committee Gary Cobby.